"Eyes on Indonesia"

Sunday, September 02, 2007

harmoniously live

most birdwatchers recognise it as purple heron..
for biologist (especially ornitologist), they know it as Ardea purpurea
but for of Indonesian people, they call it Cangak ungu.. or most of them only know that the object in the image is a birds.. not a fish.

i found them at Perumahan Cemara Asri, in Medan.. Capital city of North Sumatra..
they co-existed harmoniously (i hope) with the people surround it.
they lived at the heavily changed pond, now covered with exotic species of Mimosa pigra dan lots of grasses. the number may be reaching 400-500 individuals from this species at this site. And ... they lived with another obvious species, which are Black crowned-night heron (Nycticorax nycticorax/ in lokal language: kowak malam kelabu) and Cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis/ Local language: Kuntul kerbau)

this place should be act as 1 good example of co-management where people can lived harmoniously with nature.. well again.., I HOPE...

ki hujan at parung

May, 20th 2007.. i take the picture that should memorize for lots of people..

the great tree of Trembesi or Ki Hujan (Samanea saman) from Fabaceae.
for people who oftenly passed location named parung, (Bogor regency, West Java Province), this scenery is so memorable.. with the astonishing canopy .
it should be existed there for more than 100 years.. and become the silent witness of Indonesian independence in 1945.

and now, at this time, when people became overpopulated, and we need more space to occupied, i'm not so sure that the tree in my image will be everlasted.

fresh track from sumatra

fresh track from Sumatran Jungle.. Kerinci Seblat National Park
of u notice, this is the track of Sumatran Tiger (but i'm not that good, so i can't tell what is the gender, front or rear, or how old is it?) i could only know that this is the right pad.
luckyly, i,ve get this image when joined Sumatran Tiger Monitoring Project, a long term collaboration project of DICE, BTNKS, and FFI..
cool adventure, got lot of experience, and thank to GOD, i still alive and health..